비젯 [444375] · MS 2017 · 쪽지

2013-08-14 05:05:46
조회수 827

수완 11단원 4번문제 선지 선택이 이해가 안가네요

게시글 주소: https://a.orbi.kr/0003787339

market research is too often focused on the           users.
We, as product developers, tend to rely on this paradigm in order to simplify matters, but it means that we lose the essence of what is relevant for each consumer. On too many occasions, products are designed with a user type in mind which is believed to
represent the whole of a chosen segment. It is easy to miss the key
point: Each individual consumer wants a satisfying experience
during consuming a product or service. Pause for a moment and consider whether your company fully satisfies its consumers,
regardless of their build, age, intellectual abilities, visual
abilities, religious beliefs, type of family, gender, and so on. If it
does not, your company has
fewer consumers than it could have, and this is why Design for All should interest you.

여기서 빈칸에 individual 대신 average가 들어가는 이유가 궁금합니다.
regardless of their build, age,'''....나오는데 ~~특정한 속성~~에 무관하게 보편적으로 좋아할 물건에 초점을 맞춰야 한다는 말아닌가요?
그린까 빈칸엔 지나치게 "개별적인"사용자에 초점을 맞추고 있다.

0 XDK (+0)

  1. 유익한 글을 읽었다면 작성자에게 XDK를 선물하세요.

  • 윤바라기ㅎ · 345010 · 13/08/14 06:00

    in order to simplify matters, but it means that we lose the essence of what is relevant for each consumer.
    간단히 하고 각 소비자들과 관련된? 본질을 잃는다.
    간단히 한다는 것과 each consumer에 관련된 것(즉 individualized된)을 잃는다고 해서 average라 생각했어요.

  • 서강대내꺼야 · 452933 · 13/08/14 08:09 · MS 2017

    3째줄에서 각개인에게 관련된것들보다는5~6째줄에 대표적인것들 즉 모든사람이 쓸수있게 보편화된것들만 디자인한다고했으니 답은 average 평균적인 사람들에게 맞춘거죠