6모 영어 33, 34번 (안풀어 보신분들은 보시지 말길)
게시글 주소: https://a.orbi.kr/00057046067
오늘 영어 푸신거 같이 갈무리 해봐요!
6모 33번
Manufacturers design their innovation processes around the way they think the process works. The vast majority of manufacturers still think that product development and service development are always done by manufacturers, and that their job is always to find a need and fill it rather than
to sometimes find and commercialize an innovation that _____________________________________. Accordingly, manufacturers have set up market-research departments to explore the needs of users in the target market, product-development groups to think up suitable products to address those needs, and so forth. The needs and prototype solutions of lead users ― if encountered at all ― are typically rejected as outliers of no interest. Indeed, when lead users’ innovations do enter a firm’s product line ― and they have been shown to be the actual source of many major innovations for many firms ― they typically arrive with a lag and by an unusual and unsystematic
route. [3점]
* lag: 지연
① lead users tended to overlook
② lead users have already developed
③ lead users encountered in the market
④ other firms frequently put into use
⑤ both users and firms have valued
Manufacturers 키워드
design their innovation processes around the way they think the process works.
design이라는 동사는 주어의 의도를 내포함 그러므로 주어의 목적을 가진다고 해석하면 됩니다.
즉 제조업자들은 그들이 그 과정이 작동한다고 생각하는 방식으로 혁신 과정들을 디자인 한다네요.
그럼 질문 던지고
The vast majority of manufacturers still think that product development and service development
are always done by manufacturers, and that their job is always to find a need and fill it
요롷게 생각하는거지요.
상품 개발과 서비스 개발은 항상 제조업자가 해야한다고.
rather than to sometimes find and commercialize an innovation that
rather than 나왔으니 이분법이죠?
그니깐 빈칸에는 제조업자가 하지 않고 라는 내용이 들어가야 되겠죠?
The needs and prototype solutions of lead users ― if encountered at all ― are typically rejected as outliers of no interest.
갑자기 lead users가 나왔네요? 소비자들 중에 무언가를 이끄는 사용자들인거 같은데 이 사람들이 제조업자과
대조를 이룰 수 있겠죠? 이 사람들의 해결책을 거절하니깐
they (= lead users’ innovations) typically arrive with a lag and by an unusual and unsystematic
route. 리드 유저들의 혁신들이 지체되서 도착한다네요.
② lead users have already developed 제조업자가 아닌 리드 유저들이 이미 만들어 놓은
6모 34번
Development can get very complicated and fanciful. A fugue by Johann Sebastian Bach illustrates how far this process could go, when a single melodic line, sometimes just a handful of notes, was all that the composer needed to create a brilliant work containing lots of intricate development within a coherent structure. Ludwig van Beethoven’s famous Fifth Symphony provides an exceptional example of how much mileage a classical composer can get out of a few notes and a simple rhythmic tapping. The opening da-da-da-DUM that everyone has heard somewhere
or another _______________________________________________________ throughout not only the opening movement, but the remaining three movements, like a kind of motto or a connective thread.
Just as we don’t always see the intricate brushwork that goes into the creation of a painting, we may not always notice how Beethoven keeps finding fresh uses for his motto or how he
develops his material into a large, cohesive statement. But a lot of the enjoyment we get from that mighty symphony stems from the inventiveness behind it, the impressive development of musical ideas. [3점]
* intricate: 복잡한 ** coherent: 통일성 있는
① makes the composer’s musical ideas contradictory
② appears in an incredible variety of ways
③ provides extensive musical knowledge creatively
④ remains fairly calm within the structure
⑤ becomes deeply associated with one’s own enjoyment
Development can get very complicated and fanciful.
Development 발달, 전개
속성 get very complicated and fanciful
어떻게 복잡해졌다는 건가?
A fugue by Johann Sebastian Bach illustrates how far this process could go, when a single melodic line, sometimes just a handful of notes, was all that the composer needed to create a brilliant
work containing lots of intricate development within a coherent structure.
이제 아시죠 부정관사 달리면 주제와 관련된 설명이라는 것을?
거기다 사람 이름 고유명사 Johann Sebastian Bach
when a single melodic line, sometimes just a handful of notes 하나의 멜로디 라인
--> how far this process could go 이 과정이 얼마나 멀리 갈 수 있는지
when절, If 절은 조건문을 만드니까 주제문인것 체크 체크
Ludwig van Beethoven’s famous Fifth Symphony provides an exceptional example of how much mileage a classical composer can get out of a few notes and a simple rhythmic tapping.
한번 더 사람 이름 나왔어요.
out of a few notes and a simple rhythmic tapping -> how much mileage a classical composer can get
단순한 것으로부터 --> 많은 것이 나온다.
The opening da-da-da-DUM 단순한 것 --> ② appears in an incredible variety of ways 놀랄만하게 다양한 방식으로
6모 치시느라 수고많으셨습니다.
0 XDK (+0)
유익한 글을 읽었다면 작성자에게 XDK를 선물하세요.
씨발 가산점 좀 나와 제발 사람 갖구 놀지마 개씨발
갳우 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ 몇명인지 보자
도란 선수를 향한 무조건적인 칭찬과 응원 바랍니다
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34번 시간이 넘 부족해서 제대로 보지도 못하고 전사,,
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수고하셨습니다. 제 기준으로 기출문제 모음집 만들고 있는데 곧 다 편집할 것 같습니다. 8월안에는 꼭 업로드 하겠습니다.